Special Education Services
Lamar Galindo, Director of Special Education Services
Director of Special Education Services: Lamar Galindo
Phone: 361.528.2636 Ext. 5631
Our goal at Taft ISD is to provide students with disabilities valuable educational experiences that prepare them for the future. Each student with a disability has the opportunity to participate in appropriate educational settings and or extra-curricular activities as per their individual needs. We value communication so please contact us or your child’s school campus administration for any questions or concerns.
Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: [email protected]
Child Find
What is Child Find?
Child Find is a process designed to identify, locate, and evaluate individuals (birth through 21 years of age) with disabilities who may need special education and related services.
Are there any costs involved?
No, Taft ISD provides free evaluations and appropriate educational programs and related services for student with disabilities.
Referral for an Initial Evaluation
A school has a duty to make a referral for an initial evaluation for special education services any time it suspects that a child has a disability and a need for special education services under IDEA. You may also initiate a referral for an initial evaluation of your child at any time.
If you make a written request to a local educational agency’s director of special education services or to a district administrative employee for an initial evaluation for special education services, the school must, not later than the 15th school day after the date the school receives the request, either give you: 1) prior written notice of its proposal to conduct an evaluation, a copy of the Notice of Procedural Safeguards, and the opportunity to give written consent for the evaluation; or 2) prior written notice of its refusal to evaluate your child and a copy of the Notice of Procedural Safeguards.
Who can make a referral?
Anyone can start the process: A parent, doctor, teacher, child care provider, relative, friend, or others who are concerned about a child’s development can call their local school district Child Find contact or their regional Education Service Center.
Who to contact?
For children from birth to 3 years of age who have or might have disabilities or developmental delays contact ECI – Infant Development Program at (361) 364-9131 for information.
For children 3 to 5 years of age who have or might have disabilities but are not enrolled in the public school contact Taft ISD Special Education Department at (361) 528-2636 for information.
For children that are attending Taft ISD who have or might have disabilities contact the child’s counselor and request a meeting.
Delayed of Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services
Compensatory services are used to help students make up for
progress or skills they lost when their special education
services were not provided. This includes situations where a child
does not get special education services because he or she was
denied a timely initial evaluation, but later found eligible.
If an initial evaluation was denied when it should not have
been, compensatory services may be needed to make up for
the delay in your child getting special education services.
Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committees decide if
compensatory services are needed and what those services will be.
Parents and guardians are members of the ARD committee. Your
participation is very important.
Decisions about compensatory services have to be made for your child
as an individual. The ARD committee will discuss the amount and type of
special education services that your child did not receive and any non-special
education supports, services, or interventions that were provided.
If you believe your child needs compensatory services then you
should request an ARD committee meeting. Parents may request
an ARD Committee Meeting at any time. It is best to put your
request in writing to an administrator. Your child’s school must
respond to your request and let you know if it agrees or refuses to
Think about the supports, services, or interventions that your
child received before they were eligible for special education
and how well they worked.
» Did your child improve?
» Did your child’s skill gaps get bigger or smaller?
» Be ready to talk about what worked and what didn’t and what
progress you noticed.
If compensatory services are needed, think carefully about how
and when those services could be provided. It’s very important
to have high expectations for your child’s learning but at the same
time to be careful to not overwhelm your child by adding in too
much at one time and causing problems in another area.
Providing compensatory services doesn’t mean that every minute of service
that wasn’t provided needs to be made up. Try to think more about how
to reduce the impact of missing those services and ways that your child’s
progress can be accelerated rather than simply making up for service
minutes that weren’t provided.
Evaluaciones Retrasadas o Denegadas & Servicios Compensatorios
Los servicios compensatorios se utilizan para ayudar a los estudiantes
a recuperar el progreso o las habilidades que perdieron cuando
no se proveyeron sus servicios de educación especial. Esto incluye
situaciones en las que un niño no recibe servicios de educación especial
porque se le negó una evaluación inicial completada de manera
oportuna, pero luego se determinó que era elegible.
Si se rechazó una evaluación inicial cuando no debería haber
sido así, es posible que se necesiten servicios compensatorios
para compensar para el retraso en que su hijo reciba servicios de
educación especial.
Los comités de Admisión, Repaso y Retiro (ARD por sus siglas en
inglés) deciden si se necesitan servicios compensatorios y cuáles serán
esos servicios. Los padres y guardianes son miembros del comité ARD.
Su participación es muy importante.
Las decisiones sobre los servicios compensatorios deben tomarse para
su hijo como individuo. El comité ARD discutirá la cantidad y el tipo de
servicios de educación especial que su hijo no recibió y los apoyos, servicios o
intervenciones de educación especial que se proveyeron.
Si cree que su hijo necesita servicios compensatorios, debe solicitar una
reunión del comité ARD. Los padres pueden solicitar una reunión del
Comité ARD en cualquier momento. Es mejor presentar su solicitud
por escrito a un administrador. La escuela de su hijo debe responder a su
solicitud y hacerle saber si está de acuerdo o se niega a cumplir.
Piense en los apoyos, servicios o intervenciones que su hijo recibió
antes de ser elegible para la educación especial y si funcionaban bien.
» ¿Las brechas de habilidades de su hijo/a se hicieron más grandes o
más pequeñas?
» Esté preparado para hablar sobre lo que funcionaba y lo que no
funcionaba y qué progreso notó.
Si se necesitan servicios compensatorios, piense cuidadosamente
sobre cómo y cuándo se podrían proveer esos servicios. Es muy
importante tener altas expectativas para el aprendizaje de su hijo/a,
pero al mismo tiempo tener cuidado de no inundar a su hijo/a
agregando demasiado a la vez y causando problemas en otra área.
Proporcionar servicios compensatorios no significa que se deba recuperar
cada minuto de servicio que no se proveía. Trate de pensar más sobre cómo
reducir el impacto de perder esos servicios y las formas en que se puede
acelerar el progreso de su hijo en lugar de simplemente compensar los
minutos de servicio que no se proporcionaron.
Contact Person for Special Education Referrals / Persona de contacto para las remisiones de educación especial
Texas Transition & Employment Guide
Delayed of Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services